Bareboat chartersBareboat Charters for Commercial ShipsBareboat and charter (ship) registrationProblems in the System of Bareboat Charter RegistrationInsurance of risks under the bareboat charter contractHinchinbrook plan of management 2004: Bareboat and hire operatorsAn Examination of Bareboat Charter Registries and Flag of Convenience Registries in International LawThe national and international legal regime of bareboat charter registrationsOn the Right of Bareboat Charter and the Overt Act Principle of Jus in re --On the Art.6 of the Ship Registration Rule of PRCCMI TARAFINDAN GEMİ İŞLETME MÜTEAHHİDİNİN (BAREBOAT CHARTERER) TESCİLİNE İLİŞKİN YAPILAN ÇALIŞMALAR VE DEĞERLENDİRME