The Role of the Sexologist in UrologyThe sexologist Albert Moll--between Sigmund Freud and Magnus Hirschfeld.Sexuality in Morocco: Women sexologist's point of view ☆Men and women, the world journey of a sexologistMen and women : the world journey of a sexologistThe sexologist and the poet: On Magnus Hirschfeld, Rabindranath Tagore, and the critique of sexual binarityRecent evolution to the profession of sexologist in France. First results of a 2009 survey in France ☆Becoming a sexologist: Norman Haire, the 1929 London World League for Sexual Reform Congress, and organizing medical knowledge about...Issues in the laboratory study of human sexual response: A synthesis for the nontechnical sexologistIssues in the laboratory study of human sexual response: an overview for the non-technical sexologist. J Sex Res