Pulsed-X-Ray Shadowgraphy of Dense, Cool, Laser-Imploded PlasmaShadowgraphy measurements on the heavy ion beam interaction with solid targetsStreaked laser shadowgraphy of tungsten wire array implosions on the Saturn generatorShadowgraphy and interferometry using a CW laser and a CCD of a laser-induced plasma in atmospheric airAdvanced PIV/LIF and shadowgraphy system to visualize flow structure in two-phase bubbly flowsMacroscopic diesel fuel spray shadowgraphy using high speed digital imaging in a high pressure cellUltrafast time-gated ballistic-photon imaging and shadowgraphy in optically dense rocket sprays.Laser-Induced Forward Transfer of Organic LED Building Blocks Studied by Time-Resolved Shadowgraphy†Method for measuring three-dimensional objects by single-view optical shadowgraphy, using the optical laws of light propagationAccurate retrieval of pulse-splitting dynamics of a femtosecond filament in water by time-resolved shadowgraphy.