shareholding system股份制
shareholding reform股份制改造
- Anthony is on to a good thing: he married the chairman's daughter and was given a thirty per cent shareholding in the company.
对安东尼来说非常有利:他娶了董事长的女儿,并得到了公司30%25的股份。 - He obtain control by buy the founder's shareholding.
Shareholding Versus Stakeholding: a critical review of corporate governance
The Effects of Shareholding Dispersion on the Degree of Control in British Companies
A transformation in the French model of shareholding and management
The Effect of Shareholding Dispersion on the Degree of Control in British Companies: Theory and Measurement
The Ultimate Ownership and Its Shareholding Structures:Does It Matter for Corporate Performance?
Disentangle the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholding
Privatization and restructuring in China: Evidence from shareholding ownership, 1995–2001
Ownership concentration, foreign shareholding, audit quality, and stock price synchronicity: Evidence from China ☆
Board Composition, Leadership Structure and Performance in Chinese Shareholding Companies