- His essay was a pretty shoddy piece of work.
他写的文章很蹩脚。 - Our new washing machine keeps breaking down, and it's entirely due to shoddy workmanship.
Composite shoddy
Shackled, shameful, and shoddy
Acoustical model for Shoddy-based fiber sound absorbers
Method of manufacturing a composite shoddy
Shoddy rags and relief blankets: perceptions of textile recycling in north India
Shoddy and Pernicious Books and Youthful Purity: Literary and Moral Censorship, Then and Now
The Future Looks Dim: Building the Information Society with Shoddy Materials
Rejoinder to "A Response to Fine's 'Harvard Group Shores up Shoddy Governance'"
Do fetuses feel pain? Analgesic and anaesthetic procedures are being introduced because of shoddy sentimental argument.
Why we still believe exports for jobs will lead to shared growth: A response to Fine’s “Harvard Group Shores up Shoddy Governance”