- Being a shooter is quite interesting.
X-shooter, the new wide band intermediate resolution spectrograph at the ESO Very Large TelescopeThe School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective.Death with a Story: How Story Impacts Emotional, Motivational, and Physiological Responses to First-Person Shooter Video Games.Correlation between heart rate, electrodermal activity and player experience in first-person shooter gamesShooter localization and weapon classification with soldier-wearable networked sensorsShooter localization in urban terrainUsing a genetic algorithm to tune first-person shooter botsX-shooter UV- to K-band intermediate-resolution high-efficiency spectrograph for the VLT: status report at the final design reviewObjective and subjective evaluation of the influence of small amounts of delay and jitter on a recent first person shooter gameMore than a feeling: Measurement of sonic user experience and psychophysiology in a first-person shooter game