- The signpost indicates the right way to go.
路标标示正确的前进路线。 - This upturn in the country's economy is a splendid signpost to the future.
- The road wasn't very well signposted.
这条路没有很好的设置路标。 - The early chapters of the book signpost what is going to happen further on.
Breakaway signpost adapterBenchmarking - A Signpost to Excellence in Quality and ProductivitySignpost from the masses: learning effects in an exploratory social tag search browserEcological Signpost. (Book Reviews: Growth and Regulation of Animal Populations)H2 Emission from Planetary Nebulae: Signpost of Bipolar StructureCX3CL1 (fractalkine): A signpost for biliary inflammation in primary biliary cirrhosisCan selenium prevent colorectal cancer? A signpost from epidemiology.Inspiralling Supermassive Black Holes: A New Signpost for Galaxy MergersBMRB Social Research. Comprehension and use of UK nutrition signpost labelling schemesDegree of preservation of igneous zonation in zircon as a signpost for concordancy in U/Pb geochronology