Silicifying biofilm exopolymers on a hot-spring microstromatolite: templating nanometer-thick laminae.Distribution of calcifying and silicifying phytoplankton in relation to environmental and biogeochemical parameters during the late ...Structure and function of the silicifying peptide R5Structure and function of the silicifying peptide R5The Optimization of Culture Condition for the High Efficiency Production of a Self-Silicifying Fusion Protein, GFP-R5Cellular and molecular mechanisms of biomineralisation in a silicifying haptophyte Prymnesium neolepisPreservation Potential of Lipid-Containing Viruses Under Silicifying ConditionsDevelopment and Application of Desilicifying Reagent GH-HL for Anion Reverse Flotation of Iron OreCompetition between Silicifiers and Non-silicifiers in the Past and Present Ocean and Its Evolutionary ImpactsCollagen-Silica Hybrid Materials with Tunable Kinetics and Microstructural Properties for Biomedical Applications