silk road丝绸之路
silk screen丝绢网印花法
raw silk生丝
silk fabric丝织品;绸缎
real silk真丝
silk ribbon丝带;绸带
silk screen printing丝网印刷;丝绢网印花法
spun silk n. 绢丝
silk thread丝线
pure silk纯丝绸,真丝绸
tussah silk柞蚕丝
mulberry silk桑蚕丝
silk yarn丝线;绢丝
silk protein丝蛋白,活化细胞
spider silk蜘蛛丝
silk screening丝印;丝幕法;丝网漏印法
silk spinning绢纺;丝纺
artificial silk人造丝
silk flower丝绢花
silk goods丝绸;丝织品
- She fingered the rich silk.
她抚摸着华丽的丝绒。 - Her skin is as smooth as silk.
她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。 - She wore a black silk evening gown.
她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服。 - She is wearing a silk scarf.
Night Temperature at Silking Affects Set in MaizeContributions of Pre-Silking Assimilate to Grain Yield in Maize1In Situ X-ray Diffraction during Forced Silking of Spider SilkThe role and regulation of the anthesis-silking interval in maize.Grain yield components in maize. II. Postsilking growth and kernel weight.The importance of the anthesis-silking interval in breeding for drought tolerance in tropical maizeGrowth, water use, and kernel abortion of maize subjected to drought at silkingGenetic variation for N-remobilization and postsilking N-uptake in a set of maize recombinant inbred lines. 3. QTL detection and coi...Genetic variation for N-remobilization and postsilking N-uptake in a set of maize recombinant inbred lines. 2. Line per se performan...Identification of QTL under drought conditions in tropical maize. Flowering parameters and the anthesis-silking interval