- "The baby is as cute as an angel"is a simile.
“孩子像天使一般可爱”是句直喻。 - A simile has at least two layers of meaning.
Simile visual modelling environment
Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
Attribute and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification
Literal Bases for Metaphor and Simile
Metaphor, hyperbole and simile: A pragmatic approach
Grouping, Simile, and Oxymoron in Pictures: A Design-Based Cognitive Approach
On the Relation Between Metaphor and Simile: When Comparison Fails
An evaluation of the use of analogy, simile, and metaphor in science texts
3. As You Liken It: Simile in the Forest : Back to Nature The Green and the Real in the Late Renaissance
Spatially-explicit competition indices and the analysis of mixed-species plantings with the Simile modelling environment