The Sinaitic Glagolitic Sacramentary FragmentsSinaitic and Noahide Law: Legal Pluralism in Jewish LawThe Bedouin of the Sinaitic PeninsulaNotes on Some Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsThe proto-Sinaitic inscriptions and their deciphermentThe Hammurabi code : and the Sinaitic legislationThe Settlement of the Sinaitic ‘Ayāydah in the Suez Canal ZoneA Proto-Sinaitic Inscription in Timna/Israel: New Evidence on the Emergence of the AlphabetReflections of Hittite and Emar Practices in the Sinaitic Tradition of Moses / השתקפותה של הראליה הפולחנית ...William Foxwell Albright: The Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions and their decipherment. (Harvard Theological Studies, XXII.) [iii], 45 pp...