
  • v.

    唱,歌唱( sing的第三人称单数 );(鸟)鸣;嗡嗡叫;呜呜作响

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 唱; 歌唱 make musical sounds with the voice; utter words one after another to a tune
    2. vt. & vi. (使)鸣叫; 嗡嗡作响 (make) be filled with a high ringing sound



    • v.
      • deliver by singing
      • produce tones with the voice

        "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"

      • to make melodious sounds

        "The nightingale was singing"

      • make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound

        "the kettle was singing"


      • divulge confidential information or secrets

        同义词:spill the beanslet the cat out of the bagtalktattleblabpeachbabblebabble outblab out



    用作动词 (v.)
    • sing baritone唱男中音
    • sing bass唱男低音
    • sing one's beauty歌颂某人美丽
    • sing the lead领唱
    • sing the pain and misery of the past唱出了过去的痛苦和哀愁
    • sing appealingly有趣地歌唱
    • sing beautifully唱得很美
    • sing bewitchingly着迷地歌唱
    • sing cheerfully兴高采烈地歌唱
    • sing conscientiously诚心诚意地歌颂
    • sing creditably值得称赞地歌唱
    • sing daringly大胆地歌颂
    • sing dexterously娴熟地歌唱
    • sing energetically充满活力地歌唱
    • sing exquisitely优美地歌唱
    • sing extemporaneously临时地嗡嗡作响
    • sing fervently热心地歌唱
    • sing generally一般性地歌唱
    • sing grotesquely可笑地歌颂
    • sing hauntingly难以忘怀地歌唱
    • sing hoarsely沙哑地歌唱
    • sing impetuously鲁莽地歌唱
    • sing ineffectually效果不佳地歌颂
    • sing involuntarily不由自主地歌颂
    • sing laboriously努力地歌唱
    • sing laudably值得赞美地歌唱
    • sing loudly大声地唱
    • sing madly疯狂地歌唱
    • sing magnificently壮丽地歌唱
    • sing regularly定期地歌唱
    • sing repeatedly多次歌唱
    • sing satisfactorily满意地歌唱
    • sing simultaneously同一时间地歌唱
    • sing sorely使人伤心地歌唱
    • sing spectacularly引人入胜地歌唱
    • sing thrillingly激动地歌唱
    • sing unscrupulously肆无忌惮地歌唱
    • sing away不住地唱歌,用唱歌来解除
    • sing trouble away唱歌以驱掉烦恼
    • sing in the New Year歌迎新年
    • sing out高声叫喊
    • sing out the Old Year唱送旧岁
    • sing up用力唱
    • sing by ear凭听觉记忆演唱
    • sing for为…歌唱,因…歌唱
    • sing for joy快乐得唱起来
    • sing in chorus合唱
    • sing in tune唱得和谐
    • sing of exploits歌颂功绩
    • sing of life歌颂生活
    • sing of motherland歌唱祖国
    • sing out of tune唱得走调
    • sing over one's work边工作边唱歌
    • sing through one's nose用鼻音哼歌
    • sing to由…伴奏着唱,和着…唱
    • sing to the guitar和着吉他唱歌
    • sing to the piano和着钢琴唱
    • sing with joy高兴地唱起来
    • sing with sb与…一起唱


    sing a song唱一首歌,唱支歌

    sing out大声喊出;向法院或警方自供

    sing on唱下去

    sing small(失败、受挫折后)变得老实,变得沉默寡言

    sing up v. 更用力地唱;使劲唱


    1. She was singing a lullaby to her child.
    2. Let's sing a song during the break.
    3. She sang the baby to sleep.
    4. Birds sing loudest in the early morning.
    5. Our films sing the praises of the new society.
    6. The critics are singing the praises of her new book.
    1. Did you join in the community sing?


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