Myrosinase from Sinopis alba L: A new method of purification for glucosinolate analysisErden'e küçük bir sinopisSinopis Penelitian Thesis Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Teripang Hitam (Holothuria edulis) Terhadap Profil Lipid Tikus (Rattus novergic...A new subfamily Crocanthinae based on the genus Crocanthes Meyrick and its related genera, with a world catalog of the subfamily (L...New species ofAncistrocerus(Vespidae,Eumeninae) from the Neotropics with a checklist and key to all species south of the Rio Grande:A new subfamily Crocanthinae of Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera) for the genus Crocanthes Meyrick and its related genera, with the world...