Availability of TPD Ophthalmic Solution (Mixture of Mydrin-P^【○!R】Solution, Neosynesin Kowa^【○!R】Solution, and Diclod^【○!R】...[Availability of TPD ophthalmic solution (mixture of Mydrin-P solution, Neosynesin Kowa solution, and Diclod solution) in regard to ...[A MYDRIASIS TEST FOR PRIMARY GLAUCOMA WITH PHENYLEPHRINE CHLORIDE (NEOSYNESIN)].[EFFECT OF NEOSYNESIN ON CASES OF SUSPECTED PSEUDOMYOPIA]Neo-Synesin反復点眼による家兎眼散瞳状態の変化について[On the treatment of the socalled school myopia by the 5 percent Neosynesin solution intermittent application method]慢性上顎洞炎に対するNeo-Synesin Jellyの治療効果血管収縮剤Neosynesinの臨床的応用Neo-Synesinの眼に及ぼす影響に就いてNeo-Synesin Jelly(KOWA)の鼻疾患への応用