- He says he did not wish to surrender to anyone but you, as you are the son of the Sirdar and he respects you much.
Length of Stay Per Surface in Burn Patient: One Size Does Not Fit All: 217.
Antibiotics Administration and Risk of Fungal Infection in Burns: 95.
Risk Factors for Fungal Colonisation and Infection in Burn Patients: 163.
A Retrospective Study of Patients with Self-Inflicted Burns: 224.
The financial cost implications of the highly pathogenic notifiable avian influenza H5N1 in Nigeria
Quick plastic forming of aluminum alloy sheet metal
A questionnaire survey of poultry layer farmers in Khartoum State, Sudan, to study their antimicrobial awareness and usage patterns.
Mixed venous blood gas sampling is not influenced by the speed of withdrawal in cardiac surgery patients
[Ecoepidemiology of leishmaniasis in Syria. 1. Leishmania major Yakimoff and Schokhor (Kinetoplastida-Trypanosomatidae) infestation ...
Antibiotic residues in commercial layer hens in Khartoum State, Sudan, 2007-2008