SIRLOIN: The infrared beamline at LURE
The quality of sirloin from zeranol implanted steers
Increasing tenderness of beef round and sirloin muscles through prerigor skeletal separations
Vitamin E supplementation of Holstein steer diets improves sirloin steak color.
Calcium activated tenderization of loin, sirloin and round steaks from diverse genotypes of cattle
Flavor characterization of top-blade, top-sirloin, and tenderloin steaks as affected by pH, maturity, and marbling
Beef customer satisfaction: cooking method and degree of doneness effects on the top sirloin steak
Influence of vacuum-aging period on bloom development of the beef gluteus medius from top sirloin butts
The relationship between video image analysis (VIA), visual classification, and saleable meat yield of sirloin and fillet cuts of be...