SITOMANIA: ITS CAUSES AND TREATMENTFOOD INTEMPERANCE : HYPERPHAGY, POLY PHAGY, OPSOMANIA, SITOMANIAModa, cuerpo y trastornos alimenticios en la Argentina modernaTreatment decisions at the end of life: What if they're still standing?Corte dei conti – sezione centrale controllo di legittimita’ – del. N. 5/2005/p- controllo preventivo di legittimita’-affidament...Independent Effects of Tobacco Abstinence and Bupropion on Cognitive Function in SchizophreniaComparative evaluation of ELISAs based on ten recombinant or purified Leishmania antigens for the serodiagnosis of Mediterranean vis...Clutch size in an obligately siblicidal parasitoid waspLeishmune ®; vaccine blocks the transmission of canine visceral leishmaniasis : Absence of Leishmania parasites in blood, skin an...Involvement of Egr-1/RelA synergy in distinguishing T cell activation from tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced NF-kappa B1 transcrip...