- Buy a sketchbook and keep it by your bed with a pencil nearby.
买一本写生簿把它连同铅笔一起放在你的床边。 - Sarah took her sketchbook and a pencil and started to draw and write.
SKETCH BOOKSKETCHBOOKSketchbookEnhancing the SketchbookInteraction design sketchbookSentient sketchbook: Computer-aided game level authoringSentient Sketchbook: Computer-Assisted Game Level AuthoringComputability: a mathematical sketchbookDesigning a semantic sketchbook to create opportunities for serendipityDesigning a Semantic Sketchbook to Create Opportunities for SerendipityThe human figure : the complete "Dresden sketchbook"Paints, paper, and programs: first steps toward the computational sketchbookSketchbook: Cut out and Keep ; It Lasted Just 12 Issues in Fifties America, but with Its Die- Cut Covers, Fold-Outs and Inserts, and...