- The skirmish grew into a major battle.
小冲突扩大形成大战斗。 - This area is peaceful except for a few skirmishes in the distance.
ALP-Health Dept TB skirmish to bear fruit?
Another Skirmish in the Battle over Democracies and War
Health system change: skirmish or revolution?
Latest Skirmish Over Ancestral Violence Strikes Blow for Peace
Java chip vendors set for cellular skirmish
Medicaid revisited--skirmishes over a vast public enterprise.
Immunity to latent viral infection: many skirmishes but few fatalities
The UK's Anti-Terror Legislation and the House of Lords: The First Skirmish
A propos of Lady Chatterley's lover : being an essay extended from "My skirmish with Jolly Roger"
Post-battle skirmish in the risk assessment wars: Rebuttal to the response of Baumann and colleagues to criticism of their paper, “...