- He has found them to be somewhat lacking in emotional depth; skirting round problems rather than meeting them head on.
SKIRTING THE TRANSITION STATEDecorative skirting panel systemGolgi Bypass: Skirting Around the Heart of Classical SecretionRemovably attachable flat sheet-skirting combination[Cell Biology] Golgi Bypass: Skirting Around the Heart of Classical SecretionSkirting the competence issue: Effects of sex-based preferential selection on task choices of women and men.Pruning and skirting affect canopy microclimate, yields, and fruit quality of 'Orlando' tangelo.‘How many cases do i need?’ Skirting common pitfalls in pursuit of scientific fieldworkAcid mine-water and agricultural pollution in a river skirting the Doñana National Park (Guadiamar river, South West Spain)Origin of the Marsden and Kracht Groups of Sunskirting Comets. I. Association with Comet 96P/Machholz and Its Interplanetary Complex