Skittering Locomotion in Acris crepitansSkittering Locomotion in the Frog Hyla cinerea cinereaConraua goliath (Goliath frog). Skittering locomotionEffect of predator stress and malathion on tadpoles of Indian skittering frogA new subspecies of common skittering frog Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (Schneider, 1799) from Balochistan, PakistanImpacts of ammonium nitrate on survival of tadpoles of the common skittering frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis)Abundance and Breeding of the Common Skittering Frog(Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis)and Bull Frog(Hoplobatrachus tigerinus)at Rawal Lake,I...Acute Toxicity and Oxidative Stress Responses in Tadpole of Skittering Frog, Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (Schneider, 1799) to Sodium Fl...Toxic and genotoxic effects of Roundup on tadpoles of the Indian skittering frog ( Euflictis cyanophlyctis ) in the presence and abs...New insights into the taxonomy of the skittering frog &60;em&62;Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis&60;/em&62; complex (Schneider, 1799) (Amphi...