- Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headline news.
Slater, Consumer Culture and ModernityOptimized Slater-type basis sets for the elements 1-118.Hartree-Slater subshell photoionization cross-sections at 1254 and 1487 eVSlater-Pauling behavior and origin of the half-metallicity of the full-Heusler alloysRelativistic hartree-slater values for K and L X-ray emission rates *Response to Slater review of "Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War"On the calculation of bonding energies by the Hartree Fock Slater methodCalculation of Bonding Energies by Hartree-Fock Slater Method. 1. Transition-state methodEvaluation of the LCAO Hartree—Fock—Slater method: Applications to transition-metal complexesANOMALOUS DISPERSION CORRECTIONS COMPUTED FROM RELATIVISTIC HARTREE-DIRAC- SLATER WAVE FUNCTIONS