SlipknotSlipknotSlipknot for scleral fixation of intraocular lensesCLIP FOR FORMING SIMULATED SLIPKNOTSiepser slipknot for McCannel iris-suture fixation of subluxated intraocular lenses ☆Mechanically tightening a protein slipknot into a trefoil knot.Molecular jamming--the cystine slipknot mechanical clamp in all-atom simulations.Apparatuses and methods for formation and use of a slipknot as a surgical suture knotMechanically Untying a Protein Slipknot: Multiple Pathways Revealed by Force Spectroscopy and Steered Molecular Dynamics SimulationsLuxated intraocular lens fixation using anterior chamber slipknot of the haptic to the sclera: a simple procedure to fixate intraocu...