- Raising yields on smallholder farms would have happy distributional consequences.
Collective action for smallholder market access.
Smallholder income distribution in Africa: Implications for poverty reduction strategies
Smallholder market participation: Concepts and evidence from eastern and southern Africa ☆
The impact of climate change on smallholder and subsistence agriculture
Conservation agriculture and smallholder farming in Africa: The heretics’ view
Input Subsidies to Improve Smallholder Maize Productivity in Malawi: Toward an African Green Revolution
Agroecologically efficient agricultural systems for smallholder farmers: contributions to food sovereignty
When yield gaps are poverty traps: The paradigm of ecological intensification in African smallholder agriculture
Climate Change and Food Security Special Feature: The impact of climate change on smallholder and subsistence agriculture
Exploring diversity in soil fertility management of smallholder farms in western Kenya. II. Within-farm variability in resource allo...