Smudgy Statistics
Is Smudgy Energy Sabotaging Your Life Wealth?
A Smudgy Galaxy Far, Far Away May Be 99.99 Percent Dark Matter
Method for distinguishing smudgy degree of clothes
Study on blurry and smudgy path recognition by fuzzy neural network
My Glassware Isn't Dirty, It's Simply ... Smudgy
Effect of Smudgy Degree on Temperature Distribution of the Udder Surface in Dairy Cow
Review: Toshiba’s Laptop Is Strong, Shiny, and Sorta Smudgy
Research on the Segmentation and Quantization Algorithm of Smudgy Areas on the Metal Surface
The Marquesa, the Paparazzo and the Two Eminent Luvvies Violated' by a Few Smudgy Snaps of Their Nuptials