- She crumbled an empty snail shell in her fingers.
她用手指捏碎了一个空蜗牛壳。 - The shell of a snail is its skeleton.
Snail, Zeb and bHLH factors in tumour progression: an alliance against the epithelial phenotype?
The Snail genes as inducers of cell movement and survival: implications in development and cancer
Stabilization of snail by NF-kappaB is required for inflammation-induced cell migration and invasion.
Small C-terminal Domain Phosphatase Enhances Snail Activity through Dephosphorylation
The transcription factor snail controls epithelial-mesenchymal transitions by repressing E-cadherin expression.
García De Herreros A. The transcription factor snail is a repressor of E-cadherin gene expression in epithelial tumour cells.
Host Diversity Begets Parasite Diversity: Bird Final Hosts and Trematodes in Snail Intermediate Hosts
Differential expression of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition regulators snail, SIP1, and twist in gastric cancer
Transmission of Schistosoma mansoni from man to snail: laboratory studies on the influence of snail and miracidial densities on tran...
Transmission of Schistosoma mansoni from man to snail: experimental studies of miracidial survival and infectivity in relation to la...