- This pair of sneakers looks very nice.
这双运动鞋看起来很好看。 - He pulled on his trousers and shirt and sneakers.
Sperm from Sneaker Male Squids Exhibit Chemotactic Swarming to CO2
Behaviour and success of sneaker males in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus
"It's gotta be the shoes": youth, race, and sneaker commercials.
From sneaker to parental male: change of reproductive traits in the black goby, Gobius niger (Teleostei, Gobiidae).
Exercise sneaker having a plurality of attachment points along an outer peripheral thereof for attaching an elastic band to perform ...
Pre-oviposition Ejaculation in Externally Fertilizing Fish: How Sneaker Male Rose Bitterlings Contrive to Mate
Cowboys, Outlaws and Artists The rhetoric of authenticity and contemporary jeans and sneaker advertisements
Parasitic spawning in sand gobies: an experimental assessment of nest-opening size, sneaker male cues, paternity, and filial canniba...
Sexually selected nest-building--Pomatoschistus minutus males build smaller nest-openings in the presence of sneaker males
Sexually selected nest-building âPomatoschistus minutus males build smaller nest-openings in the presence of sneaker males