- A baby's sneeze is not very loud.
婴儿的喷嚏不太响。 - She let out a loud sneeze.
- The dust made him sneeze.
灰尘使他打了个喷嚏。 - The pepper in the food caused me to sneeze.
这食物中的胡椒味儿呛得我直打喷嚏。 - I caught a cold and sneezed a lot.
A sneezer's headache
A sneezer's headache.
Sneezers spread Ideaviruses
Good news for snifflers and sneezers!
Emergency department. Tonight in the ED: sneezers, no bleeders
Allergic rhinitis: occurrence of sinusitis in "sneezers-runners"and "blockers"
Medical science could learn a lot from ‘sneezer geezer’ David Newnham: Outsidein
Help for 'sneezers and wheezers' "Allergies and Asthma"(American Academy of Pediatrics, $14.95) Some teen show...
Categorization of patients with allergic rhinitis: a comparative profile of "sneezers and runners"and "blockers".
Assessment of disease severity in patients with allergic rhinitis when categorized as "sneezers & runners"& "blockers"