- She spoke, for example, of how a welcoming ceremony had to be abandoned as a sniper fire forced members of her official party to run for their lives.
比如,她说由于当时一名狙击兵开枪,迫使她所在的党派官员不得不逃生,因此欢迎仪式不得不取消。 - The sniper snapped off six rapid shots.
狙击手迅速地连放了六枪。 - An AT Gun by its self is easy meat for a sniper.
Acoustic counter-sniper system
Acoustic counter-sniper system
User configurable sniper rifle stock
Sniper Localization Using Acoustic Asynchronous Sensors
SAIC SENTINEL acoustic counter-sniper system
The Sniper Attack: Anonymously Deanonymizing and Disabling the Tor Network
Childhood PTSD reactions one year after a sniper attack
Sniper: Exploring the level of abstraction for scalable and accurate parallel multi-core simulation
Children’s PTSD reactions one year after a sniper attack at their school
Acute stress disorder, alcohol use, and perception of safety among hospital staff after the sniper attacks.