- Her husband snores loudly.
她丈夫睡觉时打鼾很响。 - He soon fell asleep and began to snore.
他很快睡着并开始打起鼾来。 - I didn't sleep because of his snoring.
- Mary accused her husband of snore too loudly.
玛丽指责她丈夫打呼噜太响。 - The woman said that she could not sleep without her husband's snore after 20 years of marriage.
Anti-snore device
Snore inhibiting device
Snore and teeth grinding prevention device
Silence-breathing-snore classification from snore-related sounds.
Reduced neurocognition in children who snore.
An efficient method for snore/nonsnore classification of sleep sounds
Automatic and unsupervised snore sound extraction from respiratory sound signals.
Snore-associated sleep fragmentation in infancy: mental development effects and contribution of secondhand cigarette smoke exposure
Severity of obstructive apnoea in children with Down syndrome who snore
Non-Sentinel Node Risk Score (N-SNORE): a scoring system for accurately stratifying risk of non-sentinel node positivity in patients...