- Time passed so fast,it's time to say byebye to you.
时间过得真快,到了我们该说再见的时候了。 - He leaves the room without so much as saying good-bye to me.
What's taking so long?
Is it “So Long, Linnaeus”?
Why Do Turtles Live So Long?
So long, and no thanks for the externalities: the rational rejection of security advice by users
Why has it taken so long for biological psychiatry to develop clinical tests and what to do about it?
How we do business (or, Why does it take other journals so long to review your paper?)
Strategic action in health information technology: why the obvious has taken so long
Development of the implantable glucose sensor. What are the prospects and why is it taking so long?
Why do Polyethylene Glycol-Coated Liposomes Circulate So Long?: Molecular Mechanism of Liposome Steric Protection with Polyethylene ...
Niche Shifts and the Rediscovery of Interspecific Competition: Why did field biologists so long overlook the widespread evidence for...