- What would you do if so-and-so approached you and demanded all your money?
假如某某人走到你跟前要你把钱都交出来,你会怎么办? - I have worked on many ships, like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on.
我在许多船上工作过,像某某船,某某船,等等。 - Can you draw a triangle and a parallelogram on the paper?
某某画的又对又快,你能来介绍一下方法吗? - She said he was a son of a bitch, and that led to words.
她骂他是畜生而引起囗角。 - The cook and the correspondant swore darkly at the creature.
Farewell to Mr. So-and-So (Ruth 4:1)?
The Petty Details of So-and-So's Life
On English Translation of "So-and-so Laoshi", the Chinese Form of Address
So-and-so's famous poem
Books: Emotion Sickness; ANDREA HENRY Fails to Be Moved by Turgid Tale of Troubled Siblings THE PETTY DETAILS OF SO-AND-SO'S LIFE Ca...
I Never Gave Up Because I'm a Tough Little So-and-So; EXCLUSIVE: SHARLEEN'S STRUGGLE TO THE TOP
'We Can't Wear Cloaks for Fear of Bumping into So-and-So'; Gilmore Dismisses O'Brien Meeting
Ronnie Barker Taught Me You Can Be Famous without Being a Rotten So-and-So; PROFILE as Veteran Actor Sir David Jason's Autobiography...
The Petty Details of So-and-So's Life