- Stressful jobs had lots of pressure and little control.Some also included social stress from bad bosses and unsupportive co-workers.
Social WithdrawalSocial WithdrawalSocial WithdrawalSocial Withdrawal in ChildhoodSocial withdrawal in childhood: Conceptual and empirical perspectives.Beyond Social Withdrawal: Shyness, Unsociability, and Peer AvoidanceSociability and social withdrawal in childhood: stability and outcomesPaying Attention to and Not Neglecting Social Withdrawal and Social Isolation.Subtypes of Social Withdrawal in Early Childhood: Sociometric Status and Social‐Cognitive Differences across Four YearsThe roles of social withdrawal, peer rejection, and victimization by peers in predicting loneliness and depressed mood in childhood.Variable Effects of Children's Aggression, Social Withdrawal, and Prosocial Leadership as Functions of Teacher Beliefs and BehaviorsEffects of daily workload on subsequent behavior during marital interaction: The roles of social withdrawal and spouse support.Self-regulatory processes in early personality development: a multilevel approach to the study of childhood social withdrawal and ag...