Soft SellSoft sell."Soft"SellJohn Hudson Undergraduate Marketing Student Savannah State UniversityWorking paper Series 2013SOFTS-ICE cocoa tumbles, funds sell, sugar steady | Fox BusinessAttosecond electron bunches accelerated and compressed by radially polarized laser pulses and soft-x-ray pulses from optical undulat...Knowledge of the Truth - Two DoctrinesCut-off scaling of high-harmonic generation driven by a femtosecond visible optical parametric amplifierExperimental study and modeling of the temperature dependence of soft breakdown conduction in ultrathin gate oxidesBuried-interface characterization in magnetic nanostructures using standing wave-excited x-ray emission and resonant inelastic x-ray...Magnesium absorption and secretion along the gastrointestinal tract of the chicken.OVERHEAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY SYSTEMS FOR VEHICLES