Sol-faMusic and Victorian philanthropy : the Tonic Sol-Fa movementEmily Patton: An Australian Pioneer of Tonic Sol-fa in JapanMissionaries and Tonic Sol-fa Music Pedagogy in 19th-Century China.Standard Course of Lessons and Exercises in the Tonic Sol-Fa Method of Teaching Music - Scholar's Choice EditionRecent Diatonic Theory and Curwen's Tonic Sol-Fa Method: Formal Models for a Kinesic-Harmonic SystemEl pensamiento del solfeo dalcroziano, mucho más que rítmica [The thinking of sol-fa by Dalcroze, much more than eurhythmics]Singing in the Victorian world: Tonic sol-fa and discourses of religion, science and Empire in the Cape ColonyTonic Sol-Fa in Asia-Pacific countries : the missionary legacyMusic and Victorian philanthropy: The tonic sol-fa movement [Book Review]