- The books you ask for are all sold out.
你要的书都卖完了。 - I'm sorry, but we're sold out of small sizes.
对不起,小号的我们都卖完了。 - This edition of the dictionary is sold out.
这个版本的字典已售完了。 - He was sold out by a traitor and arrested.
他被叛徒出卖,被捕了。 - We would rather die than sell out our comrades.
Sold Out!
U.S. Open Sold out, but Tickets Can Be Found
Influence of Soldout Products on Consumer Choice
Article storage and dispensing device with sold out indicating mechanism
Sold Out: How Wall Street and Washington Betrayed America
“Sold out!” Women's practices of resistance against prostitution related sexual harassment
Sold out on soul: The corporate annexation of black popular music
Sold-out device for syrup pump
Mechanical sold out for rotary slant shelf
Risk of bovine tuberculosis for cattle sold out from herds during 2005 in Ireland.
Sold out ! : an ethnographic study of Australian indie music festivals