A Note on the Origin of Solenoglyph SnakesThe biting behavior of solenoglyph snakes-its bearing on the pattern of envenomationÜber eine neurotoxische Otterngruppe Europas, Mesocornis und über ihre Stellung unter den Solenoglyphen der WeltOn the lateral jaw musculature of the solenoglypha with remarks on some other snakesComposition and Method for Selective CytostasisPharmacological and biochemical properties of a venom gland extract from the snake Thelotornis kirtlandiClinical aspects of bites by viper in SpainEpidemiological and clinical aspects of certain venomous animals of Spain ☆Effects of Duvernoy's gland secretions from the eastern hognose snake, Heterodon platirhinos, on smooth muscle and neuromuscular jun...Grooves to tubes: evolution of the venom delivery system in a Late Triassic “reptile”