- The solvability of an equation involving the arithmetical function is studied.
摘要研究一个包含数论函数的方程的可解性。 - Author's method provided a new approach for discussing the solvability of a nonlinear boundary value problem.
Solvability and bifurcations of nonlinear equations
Solvability ofm-Point Boundary Value Problems with Nonlinear Growth
Solvability, controllability, and observability of continuous descriptor systems
Conditions for Network-Element-Value Solvability
Indications of microscopic solvability from counting arguments
Local and global solvability of some parabolic systems modelling chemotaxis
W2,p-Solvability of the Dirichlet Problem for Nondivergence Elliptic Equations with VMO Coefficients
Computation of a practical method to restore power flow solvability
Systems analysis by graphs and matroids. Structural solvability and controllability
New equations for the description of the motions of viscous incompressible fluids, and global solvability for their boundary value p...