Somatic Nervous SystemSomatic Nervous SystemAn artificial somatic-central nervous system-autonomic reflex pathway for controllable micturition after spinal cord injury: prelimi...Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphomas of the central nervous system are targeted by aberrant somatic hypermutation.Development of Central Nervous System Metastases in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Somatic EGFR Mutations Tre...RE: AN ARTIFICIAL SOMATIC-CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM-AUTONOMIC REFLEX PATHWAY FOR CONTROLLABLE MICTURITION AFTER SPINAL CORD INJURY: PRE...Pain and allodynia in postherpetic neuralgia: role of somatic and sympathetic nervous systemSomatic mosaicism in the central nervous system in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 and Machado-Joseph diseaseEtiologic theories of idiopathic scoliosis. Somatic nervous system and the NOTOM escalator concept as one component in the pathogene...Brain responses to visceral and somatic stimuli in irritable bowel syndrome: a central nervous system disorder?