[Somatoform disorders]Somatoform disordersSomatoform disordersSomatoform disorders: time for a new approach in DSM-V.Somatoform disorders in different cultures--a mail questionnaire surveyAmplification, somatization, and the somatoform disorders.A symptom checklist to screen for somatoform disorders in primary careEfficacy of treatment for somatoform disorders: a review of randomized controlled trials.An adoption study of somatoform disorders. II. Identification of two discrete somatoform disorders.[Somatoform disorders in general practice: prevalence, functional limitations and comorbidity with anxiety and depression].Somatoform disorders in general practice: prevalence, functional impairment and comorbidity with anxiety and depressive disorders.Somatoform disorders as disorders of affect regulation: a study comparing the TAS-20 with non-self-report measures of alexithymia.Depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders: Vague or distinct categories in primary care? Results from a large cross-sectional st...