- The new-style spacesuit is much lighter than the older one.
新式的太空服比老式的那种轻便了许多。 - The whole process has made more than 10 sets of extravehicular spacesuit.
SpacesuitSpacesuitSpacesuitSpacesuit Radiation Shield Design MethodsThe Soviet/Russian spacesuit history: Part III—The European connectionLunar Dust Effects on Spacesuit Systems: Insights from the Apollo SpacesuitsA passive robot system for measuring spacesuit joint damping parametersMethod of calculating external heat flux on spacesuit used for EVAAstronaut EVA exposure estimates from CAD model spacesuit geometry.Modeling of Spacesuit's Arm Based on Kinematics and Measurement of Mechanical Characteristics of its JointCooling system for removing metabolic heat from an hermetically sealed spacesuitStudy on Index Optimization of Human-mechanics Based on Basic Ergonomic Evaluation of Spacesuit GlovesThe extravehicular mobility unit: A review of environment, requirements, and design changes in the US spacesuit