Nospalledpaintexistsattheplugweld and for a short distance each side of the plugwelds.
Radiation of Spalled Particles in Shock LayersRadiation of Spalled Particles in Shock LayersInteraction of Spalled Particles with Shock Layer FlowEjection of spalled layers from laser shock-loaded metalsDamage property of incompletely spalled aluminum under shock wave loadingMODELLING OF THE SPALLED ROLLING ELEMENT BEARING VIBRATION SIGNAL: AN OVERVIEW AND SOME NEW RESULTSInteraction of spalled particles with shock layer flow - 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (AIAA)Vibration response of spalled rolling element bearings: Observations, simulations and signal processing techniques to track the spal...Determination and interpretation of statistics of spatially resolved waveforms in spalled tantalum from 7 to 13 GPaShort-laser-pulse-driven emission of energetic ions into a solid target from a surface layer spalled by a laser prepulse