- I need to buy car spark plug,please and contact us.
我们需要求购汽车火花塞,请联系我们。 - Fuel is ignited by the spark plug.
Spark plugSPARK-PLUGSPARK-PLUGREVOLUTIONARY CONNECTIONS FOR SPARK PLUGS AND SPARK PLUG WIRESAn Ionization Equilibrium Analysis of the Spark Plug as an Ionization SensorSpark Plug Voltage Analysis for Monitoring Combustion in an Internal Combustion EngineWide thermal range spark plugOptical Diagnostics of Laser-Induced and Spark Plug-Assisted HCCI CombustionKnock Detection by Means of the Spark PlugFiber-optic instrumented spark plug for measuring early flame development in spark ignition enginesDevelopment of New Iridium Alloy for Spark Plug ElectrodesSPECIAL SPARK‐PLUG PORCELAINSFlame Ion Density Measurement Using Spark Plug Voltage Analysis