- Her parents always have spats.
她的父母经常有些小的口角。 - There is only a spat between the brother and sister.
- He took one sip of the wine and spat it out.
他抿了一口酒,又吐了出来。 - She spat at his face in contempt.
SPATS: Speech Perception Assessment and Training SystemArtificial Cultivation of Spats and Growth of Larvae and Juveniles of Coelomactra antiquataSingular perturbations and time scales (SPaTS) in discrete control systems-an overviewEffect of chronic exposure to zinc in young spats of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)A preliminary observation of the growth of the artificial spats of Pteria penguinSurvivorship of fast-growing coral spats depend less on refuge structure: the case of Acropora solitaryensisReflective optical encoder device with light beams applied as spats spaced by 2 predetermined pitchEffects of Salinity on the Growth and Survival of Larvae and Spats of Coelomactra antiquata(Spengler)Thermal dependence of clearance and metabolic rates in slow- and fast-growing spats of manila clam Ruditapes philippinarumPreliminary evaluation of the speech perception assessment and training system (SPATS) with hearing-aid and cochlear-implant users