Speciosity in the early Homo lineage: too many, too few, or just about right?The Speciosity:Distinguish Traditional Wushu from Wushu TraditionTerritorialism and residentiality in a dragonfly, Orthetrum albistylum speciosum UHLER (Odonata : Anisoptera)Temtorialism and Residentiality in a Dragonfly, Orthetrum albistylum speciosum Uhler (Odonata: Anisoptera) 1 | Annals of the Ento...From the Cover: Sexual conflict promotes speciation in insectsSexual Selection and Speciation in Mammals, Butterflies and SpidersFishes on the Antarctic continental shelf: evolution of amarine species flock?Antarctic notothenioid fishes as subjects for research in evolutionary biologyBrain Size and the Diversification of Body Size in BirdsEntomology for the copepodologist