speckle pattern散斑图;斑纹图样
speckle interferometry散斑干涉法;斑纹干涉学;斑纹干涉测量术
- My speckled dog has just got killed.
我的斑点狗刚刚死了。 - The hen layed three beautiful speckled eggs.
母鸡下了3 枚蛋壳上有小斑点的漂亮鸡蛋。
Why are birds’ eggs speckled?
Why are birds’ eggs speckled?
Speckled lentiginous nevus: within the spectrum of congenital melanocytic nevi
Adaptive segmentation of speckled images using a hierarchical random field model
Territorial Defense in the Speckled Wood Butterfly Pararge-Aegeria the Resident Always Wins
Territorial defence in the speckled wood butterfly ( Pararge aegeria ): The resident always wins
Territorial defence and its seasonal decline in the speckled wood butterfly ( Pararge aegeria )
Chemical desiccation of wheat plants as a simulator of postanthesis speckled leaf blotch stress.
Life‐cycle regulation and life history plasticity in the speckled wood butterfly: are reaction norms predictable?
Competitive Interactions Between Benthic Stream Fishes, Riffle Sculpin, Cottus gulosus, and Speckled Dace, Rhinichthys osculus