The Cohort and Speechify Libraries for Rapid Construction of Speech Enabled Applications for AndroidCongress' First Quorum Call; In 1789, Pay Raises, Protocol, Cabinet Confirmations and a Propensity to SpeechifyCandidates, Surrogates 'Speechify' at Caucuses; at Homes, Schools, Churches, Iowans Perform Their Civic DutyGearhead - Speechifyin' software.(News Briefs)Mixed mode conferencingRepetition Suppression and Reactivation in Auditory–Verbal Short-Term Recognition MemoryDemocracy and Nature: Speaking and ListeningBilingual Chinese/English Voice Browsing Based On A Voicexml PlatformDoes Women's Representation in Elected Office Lead to Women-Friendly Policy? Analysis of State-Level DataComputer-implemented system and method for automating call center phone calls