- A simple, small spermatocele does not require treatment.
单纯的精液囊肿如果较小勿需治疗。 - The specimen was sent for pathology and spermatocele with spermatozoa was noted.
SPERMATOCELE.Spermatocelespermatocele[A case of bilateral spermatocele]Retrieval and cryopreservation of sperm from spermatocele fluid.Outpatient hydrocele and spermatocele repair under local anesthesia.Giant spermatocele mimicking hydrocele: a case report.Microsurgery in andrologic urology. II. Alloplastic spermatocele.Immunological differentiation of human testicular (spermatocele) and seminal spermatozoa.Adult hydrocele and spermatoceleFurther experiences with an alloplastic spermatocele: experiements in bulbsSynergistic action of steroids and spermatocele fluid on in vitro proliferation of prostate stroma.Alloplastic spermatocele: poor sperm motility in intraoperative epididymal fluid contraindicates prosthesis implantation.