- The battered fragments even now command our admiration.
它那残碎的遗迹至今还令人称赞。 - The world was brutally battered but it survived.
这个世界遭受了惨重的创伤,但它还是生存下来了。 - And now and again, my battered heart swells.
时不时的,我那受尽折磨的心澎湃着。 - I ran to my room, and got a battered suitcase.
我跑回自己的房间,找到一个破旧的衣箱。 - She walked slowly toward the bus stop, feeling battered.
The battered woman syndrome
The battered-child syndrome.
The battered child syndrome. JAMA
Children of battered women.
A study of battered women presenting in an emergency department
Patterns of adjustment among children of battered women
Children of battered women: the relation of child behavior to family violence and maternal stress.
The assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in battered women /
Linking Extreme Marital Discord, Child Rearing, and Child Behavior Problems: Evidence from Battered Women
A brief review of the research on husband violence : Part II: The psychological effects of husband violence on battered women and th...