- That's just saving at the spigot and wasting at the bunghole.
那是小处节省,大处浪费。 - They just can't close the spigot.
他们不能切断资金流了事。 - Treasury has turned off the Fannie-Freddie lobbying spigot.
Spinneret silk spigot morphology: evidence for the monophyly of orbweaving spiders, Cyrtophorinae (Araneidae), and the group Theridi...
Bronchial Occlusion With Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot
A case of refractory pneumothorax treated with endobronchial occlusion by Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot (EWS)
Study of formwork shoring system of steel tubular with socket and spigot in foreign residential projects
A Case of Empyema with Fistula Successfully Treated Using Thoracoscopic Curettage and Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot
A Case of Intractable Pneumothorax in which the bronchial source was Identified by the Detection of Air Leakage on Radiography and S...
New World pholcid spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae): a revision at generic level
Particulate matter and nutrient distributions in the ice-edge zone of the Weddell Sea: relationship to hydrography during late summer
From a comb to a tree: phylogenetic relationships of the comb-footed spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae) inferred from nuclear and mitoch...